24 lis 2011


well, i have so giant backlog that i don't know where to start
mayby i should start with sharing my 'life conclusions' from these couple of months

 make a gif
I've finally made it. Now i am officially a BcA of Institute of Creative Photography in Opava

2. Imagine a situation: you are in some store, suddenly your old mate from past life is passing you by. he is with a girlfriend. So what are you doing ? Well, if you want to follow the idea "be nice and frank for all people you know" (i really want to), you accost him, saying " hello, it's so nice to see you, where have you been for all this time?!" There is only one intention in your mind: to make a really nice small talk, like normal people does, everything seems to be so easy, but... it isn't. That girlfriend who is standing close to your mate is acting weird, she makes THOSE eyes, and THOSE looks, if you know what i mean. And now it's time for conclusion : NO, I DON'T WANT TO FUCK YOUR BOYFRIEND, I JUST WANT TO HAVE SMALL TALK.
(it faces both ways)

3. Summer was very short.

             Monika is in the Usa                                                                                                  I am not

4.  I have to get the Valentino evening dress with smth sparkling on it, i don't know what for, but i have to. And practically it's impossible
5. There are few projects i'm working on it, so I have to be mysterious and not showing anything
6. There are also few things that i would like to show
7. This post is probably the most revealing one, i mean state of mind and typical weird polaroids, some daily story from a store etc. And i hope the last one in such sort. (oh and there is no fine art in it, like some cramped, empty photos or collages)
8. And I am also very rusty in new 'cool' music


29 sie 2011


so this is the end of summer and there is no time for nice things. writing writing writing bleah.

new photo from natalia siebuła's clothing session

and one song 
wait for the end ^ ^

23 lip 2011


Mayby I will never be as famouse as Rayan McGinley, but I like sad songs about running away, probably just like him. This is the reason why I am starting New Thing. Yes Yes.
I have to belive that this will be a great and effective time, full of adventures and new friends.
In a couple of days me and Ł. are going on vacation. Seven sunny days by the lake. Swimming, sunbathing, havening fun.
One more thing. If you want to eat realy good hummus in Warsaw, you should go to Beirut on Poznańska street.

30 maj 2011


i played basketball today.
it was my first time since i was in highschool.i sprained my ankle and than someone brought a huge watering can with cold water.
i put my leg inside it. it was sooo  amazing and funny, after few bad/sad/angry days. totally fine.
it means that painfull incidents have magic power of healing. yes yes.

12 kwi 2011


considering the fact that nowadays nobody cares about signing photo materials in press or internt, i present Paula&Karol
photo: biedronka&makaron

Tryouts by javelinjamz


wszystko wydaje się być specjalnie niespecjalne
ale to nie prawda
a ja dużo myślę o domu, moja głowa wręcz jest pełna domu
dom i długie ciepłe wakacje

everything seems to be intentionally special
but it's not true
and i am thinking about home a lot recently, my head is simply full of 'home'
home & long, warm vacation

minimal monika

such a great dj or even magician!

8 mar 2011


Wszyscy chcą pojechać do Ameryki, albo wszyscy pojechali do Ameryki.
Ja już nie wiem co chce. W głowie nic.
So many people want to go to USA, or all gone to USA.
I don't know what I really want. Big nothing in my head.

love it

10 lut 2011


hard, hard

pierwsze zdjęcie, to takie którego miało nie być, ehhe, a na samym dole zmęczeni ludzie
first photo is the one which not supposed to exist, and at the bottom you can see tired people

2 lut 2011


Marzę o tym by wstać o 7 rano. Chociaż o 9
Wycieczki na przedmieścia chyba zawsze owocują czymś ciekawym. Chyba, że zostałeś porwany.
A  Piero Umiliani umila dni, które są nocami, ale powinny być dniami. Uf

I am dreaming about waking up at 7 am, or at least 9 am
Taking  trips to the suburbs of the city probably always cause something weird and interesting. Except when you were rapt.
And Piero Umiliani entertains my days, which actually are a nights, but they should be the days. Uf

24 sty 2011


Ludzie często mają problem z wyrzucaniem pustych opakowań.
A Grzegorz powiedział, że jak się chce zrobić wystawę, to trzeba najpierw usiąść i napić się herbaty.

People often have problem with removing empty packets.
And Grzegorz said: if you want to make a cool exhibition, first you have to sit down and drink a cup of

a to plakat koncertowy z moim zdjęciem

Shimmering Stars - I'm Gonna Try from Salazar on Vimeo.